JDS Culture| About Value, Mission and Vision

  To an enterprise, culture is not only the soul of survival, competition and development but the inexhaustible power to promote its development. The core of corporate culture is the value, mission and vision.

  On August 30th, the golden seeds team led by Tutor Wen came to our company for the implementation of corporate culture. The middle and senior management of the company participated in the training, together refining the corporate values, mission, vision and practically strengthening the sense of mission and belonging.

Tutor Wen’s class time~

  Tutor Wen preached the conditions of the corporate culture implementation and cleared the importance of the team in enterprise competition by the description of whole dynamic eco-system of enterprise business war. Strong enterprise lies in strong team. And the primary task of corporate culture is to define its value, mission and vision.

Abstracting value, mission and vision~

Abstraction of value

  The training was divided into three "mines" among teams to extract the most suitable "ore".

  About value: Our staff extracted appropriate value for the company through telling stories impressing and moving us. Next we told personal stories happening at JDS according to the time of entry. These years were full of stories, filled with bitter and happiness, pain and growth, the touched and the insisted!

Story to share

  About mission and vision

  Vision: to describe JDS identity in the industry, China and the world

  Mission: responsibility to society, employees and customers

  Each group got a further understanding of the mission and vision through heated discussion and summary, finally reaching a consensus~

Abstraction of mission and vision

JDS culture

Feelings to share

Looking forward to the next training

Gratitude to the golden seeds team

Thanks to Dingyan team

Expecting to meet our better self!